Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Originally uploaded by Coryrain
She put up with this for about 5 seconds.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Phil looking serious

Originally uploaded by Coryrain
We went for a walk at Metro today after a short little rainstorm. The clouda were so cool looking. I snapped this when Phil wasn't looking and happened to get the seagull in the picture. Futzd around with it in photoshop a little bit. A few more shots from our walk are up at flickr, including some of a woodchuck Phil took! At least, we think it's a woodchuck.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Originally uploaded by Coryrain
Long time no post!! What can I say! It's hard to get out and about while pregnant, not mention all the moving we just finished doing.

Phil and I took a nice walk at Shadyside Park in Mt. Clemens yesterday, there's a great path that follows the canal there. The drains along the patch are hidden by very nice flower gardens. I'm not sure what this flower is, a morning glory perhaps?

Phil also got some great shots of a squirel chowing down in a raspberry bush if you head on over to my flickr page you can check them out. He's getting pretty good with the camera himself. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Originally uploaded by Coryrain
Okay so it's been awhile. But I'm trying!! My dad and I went to the Henry Ford Museum on President's day. Target was sponsoring a free day at the museum! It was SO CROWDED. I've never seen the museum so crowded. The village can get pretty busy, but it was so noisy and tons of kids running everywhere and they had a civil war era band playing, it was almost overwhelming.

This is a photo of part of the turbine that used to power the Ford motor plant. The industrial section was the least crowded so we spent some time there. It was fun trying to figure out how the machines work and what they were for without reading the discriptions. ^.^

Monday, January 12, 2009

why hallo thar

why hallo thar
Originally uploaded by Coryrain
So it's been a while, but I have an excuse! I'm busy baking a baby in my tummy! Morning sickness = no photo taking. But I'm finally starting to feel a bit better. Phil thought it would be an excellent idea to take a hike at the beach in a snow storm. "Sure!" I said. I think I've lost my mind. We actually had a fun time despite a few frozen fingers. We hiked the shorter nature trail and ran into a few cross-country skiers, watched some kids playing hockey, and walked down a frozen creek. I was dissapointed we didn't see any deer. I figured we would see at least one now that it's winter and there's no foliage for them to hide behind.
We headed back to the nature center to warm up and lo and behold, five deer walked on up to get a snack. This one really cracked me up, she kept making that face at me. Head on over to my flickr page for more winter photos.